Glowing Skin Secret: Dry Brush Technique Revealed

April 01, 2024

Imagine waking up every morning, looking in the mirror, and being greeted by the sight of radiant, glowing skin. Your body is smooth, healthy, and exudes a natural radiance that lights up the room. It's a feeling that boosts your confidence and makes you feel truly beautiful, inside and out.

For many of us, achieving this dreamy state of skin perfection may seem like an elusive goal. We try countless products, follow complicated skincare routines, and spend a small fortune on treatments that promise miraculous results. Yet, more often than not, we end up feeling frustrated and disappointed.

A Natural Solution

But what if there's a simple, natural solution that can help transform your skin and give you that luminous glow you've always craved? Enter the dry brush technique.

Dry brushing has been praised by beauty enthusiasts and skincare experts for its incredible ability to promote healthier and smoother skin. It's part of a natural body care routine that not only enhances your skin's appearance but also embraces the principles of clean beauty, allowing you to nourish your skin without harmful chemicals or artificial ingredients.

In this article, we will unveil the secrets to achieving radiant, glowing skin through the dry brush technique. We'll explore the benefits of incorporating dry brushing into your natural body care routine, from exfoliating and detoxifying to boosting circulation and enhancing skin tone. Get ready to discover the power of dry brushing and embark on a journey towards healthier and happier skin.

Key Takeaways

  • The dry brush technique can help achieve radiant, glowing skin naturally.
  • Dry brushing promotes healthier and smoother skin.
  • Incorporating dry brushing into your body care routine embraces the principles of clean beauty.
  • Dry brushing aids in exfoliation, detoxification, and improved circulation.
  • This technique can enhance skin tone and texture, as well as potentially reduce cellulite and firm the skin.

Understanding the Dry Brush Technique

Before diving into the benefits of dry brushing, it's important to understand what this technique entails. Dry brushing is a simple yet effective method that involves using a natural bristle brush to gently exfoliate and stimulate the skin. By incorporating dry brushing into your body care routine, you can enhance your overall skin health and achieve a radiant complexion.

The Tools Used

When it comes to dry brushing, the right tools can make a significant difference. A high-quality dry brush with natural bristles is essential for optimal results. Look for a brush with firm bristles that are not too stiff or too soft. The handle should be long enough to reach different areas of your body comfortably. Additionally, make sure the brush is designed specifically for dry brushing to ensure you get the best possible experience.

The Proper Technique

Performing dry brushing correctly is key to maximizing its benefits. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Start with dry skin before taking a shower or bath.
  2. Begin at your feet and work your way up, using long, sweeping motions.
  3. Brush towards your heart to support lymphatic drainage and stimulate circulation.
  4. Apply light pressure, avoiding any areas of irritation or broken skin.
  5. Focus on each body part for a few moments, ensuring thorough coverage.
  6. Once you've brushed your entire body, follow with a shower or bath to cleanse away the exfoliated skin cells.
  7. Complete your body care routine with a nourishing moisturizer to lock in hydration.

Pro Tip: Be gentle but firm. Avoid pressing too hard, as this can cause skin irritation or redness. Dry brushing should be a relaxing and invigorating experience, so adjust the pressure according to your comfort level.

By following the proper technique and using the right tools, you can make the most out of your dry brushing routine. Let's explore the multitude of benefits that await you in the next section.



Exfoliates the skin

Gently removes dead skin cells, revealing smoother and brighter skin.

Stimulates circulation

Improves blood flow, enhancing the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the skin cells.

Aids lymphatic drainage

Supports the body's natural detoxification process, reducing the buildup of toxins.

Improves skin tone

Helps even out skin tone, promoting a more luminous and balanced complexion.

Enhances product absorption

Prepares the skin to better absorb moisturizers, oils, and other body care products.


Exfoliation and Detoxification

One of the key benefits of incorporating dry brushing into your body care routine is its ability to stimulate exfoliation, promoting healthier and clearer skin. By using a dry brush, you can effectively remove dead skin cells and unclog pores, revealing a smoother and more radiant complexion.

Dry brushing works by gently exfoliating the outermost layer of your skin, sloughing off dead cells and encouraging cell turnover. This process not only helps to unclog pores but also allows for better absorption of skincare products, maximizing their effectiveness.

In addition to exfoliation, dry brushing also plays a crucial role in the detoxification process. As you glide the dry brush across your body, it helps to stimulate the lymphatic system, which is responsible for removing waste and toxins from your body.

The Lymphatic System and Healthy Skin

The lymphatic system is a network of vessels and lymph nodes that work together to help rid the body of toxins, waste, and excess fluid. When the lymphatic system becomes sluggish or congested, toxins can build up, leading to a variety of skin issues such as dullness, blemishes, and congestion.

By incorporating dry brushing into your body care routine, you can support the lymphatic system's natural detoxification process. The gentle pressure and circular motions of dry brushing help to stimulate lymphatic flow, promoting the elimination of toxins and waste from your body.

"Dry brushing not only exfoliates the skin but also stimulates the lymphatic system, aiding in detoxification and promoting healthy skin." - Dr. Lisa Nelson

How to Dry Brush for Exfoliation and Detoxification

To effectively exfoliate and detoxify your skin with dry brushing, follow these simple steps:

  1. Start with dry, bare skin. Before showering or bathing, ensure that your skin is free from any oils, lotions, or creams.
  2. Begin dry brushing from your feet and gently brush upwards towards your heart, using long, sweeping motions.
  3. Brush each area of your body several times, focusing on areas prone to dryness or congestion, such as elbows, knees, and the back of thighs.
  4. Remember to use light pressure and avoid brushing any areas of broken or irritated skin.
  5. After dry brushing, rinse off in the shower or bath to remove any remaining dead skin cells.
  6. Finish by moisturizing your skin with a nourishing body oil or lotion to replenish moisture and further support skin health.

Dry Brushing for Healthy, Glowing Skin

By incorporating dry brushing into your body care routine, you can experience the benefits of exfoliation and detoxification, promoting healthier and clearer skin. Embrace this simple yet effective practice to achieve a radiant complexion and elevate your overall skin health.

Benefits of Dry Brushing for Exfoliation and Detoxification

How It Works

Promotes smoother and clearer skin

Gently exfoliates the skin, removing dead cells and unclogging pores

Supports the lymphatic system's natural detoxification process

Stimulates lymphatic flow, aiding in the elimination of toxins and waste

Enhances the absorption of skincare products

Removes barriers, allowing for better penetration and effectiveness of products


Boosting Circulation and Lymphatic System

One of the remarkable benefits of incorporating the dry brush technique into your body care routine is its ability to improve blood circulation and stimulate the lymphatic system, both of which are essential for achieving healthy and radiant skin.

When you dry brush your skin, the bristles of the brush gently exfoliate the surface, promoting blood flow to the area. This increased circulation brings vital nutrients and oxygen to the skin cells, rejuvenating them and giving your complexion a healthy glow.

Moreover, dry brushing activates your lymphatic system, which is responsible for removing toxins and waste from your body. The lymphatic system plays a crucial role in maintaining overall skin health by aiding in the elimination of impurities, reducing puffiness, and preventing the buildup of harmful substances in the body.

By incorporating dry brushing into your body care routine, you can effectively enhance both blood circulation and lymphatic system function, leading to improved overall skin health and a more youthful appearance. With regular dry brushing, you'll witness a transformation in your complexion as it becomes smoother, more hydrated, and visibly rejuvenated.

The Benefits of Boosting Circulation and Lymphatic System

Improved blood circulation to the skin cells

Enhanced delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the skin

Stimulation of the lymphatic system

Effective removal of toxins and waste from the body

Reduced puffiness and fluid retention


Enhancing Skin Tone and Texture

One of the remarkable benefits of the dry brush technique is its ability to enhance your skin tone and texture. By incorporating dry brushing into your body care routine, you can achieve smoother, more youthful-looking skin.

Dry brushing helps to exfoliate the skin by gently removing dead skin cells, revealing a fresh layer underneath. This exfoliation process promotes a smoother texture, making your skin feel softer and more supple. It also helps to unclog pores, preventing breakouts and promoting a clearer complexion.

Additionally, dry brushing stimulates blood circulation, which can contribute to a healthy, vibrant skin tone. Improved blood flow nourishes the skin cells, giving your complexion a natural, healthy glow.

Using a dry brush on a regular basis can also help even out skin tone. The gentle yet invigorating strokes of the brush promote lymphatic drainage, reducing the appearance of inflammation and puffiness. This can result in a more balanced and even complexion.


"Dry brushing has been a game-changer for my skin. Not only does it leave my skin feeling amazingly smooth, but it has also helped fade the dark spots and uneven skin tone I struggled with before. It's like a mini spa treatment that I can do at home!" - Lisa S.

"I never realized how much of a difference dry brushing could make until I started incorporating it into my body care routine. My skin looks brighter and feels incredibly soft. It's become a must-have step for me in achieving a healthy and glowing complexion." - Emma D.

With regular dry brushing, you can revitalize your skin, enhance its texture, and achieve a more even skin tone. Add this simple yet effective technique to your body care routine and experience the benefits for yourself.



Exfoliates the skin

Removes dead skin cells and unclogs pores, resulting in smoother, softer skin.

Improves blood circulation

Stimulates blood flow for a healthy, radiant skin tone.

Even out skin tone

Reduces inflammation and puffiness, promoting a more balanced complexion.


Cellulite Reduction and Body Firming

Dry brushing has gained popularity not only for its exfoliating and detoxifying benefits, but also for its potential in reducing the appearance of cellulite and firming the skin. Many individuals have incorporated this technique into their body care routine to achieve a more toned and sculpted look. Let's explore how dry brushing can help in cellulite reduction and body firming.

The Science behind Cellulite Reduction

Cellulite occurs when fat deposits push through the connective tissues beneath the skin, resulting in a dimpled appearance. Although it is a common occurrence, especially among women, it can still affect one's confidence and body image. Dry brushing stimulates blood circulation and lymphatic flow, which can help to break down these fat deposits and improve the overall texture of the skin.

By gently brushing the skin in upward strokes, the bristles of the dry brush work to stimulate the lymphatic system. This promotes the drainage of excess fluid and toxins that may be trapped in the tissues, reducing the appearance of cellulite over time. When combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise, dry brushing can be an effective tool in combating cellulite.

Firming and Toning the Skin

Dry brushing not only helps in reducing cellulite but can also contribute to firmer and more toned skin. As the brush exfoliates the skin's surface, it removes dead skin cells and encourages cell regeneration. This leads to a smoother and more youthful appearance.

Furthermore, the increased blood circulation and lymphatic flow stimulated by dry brushing can promote the production of collagen and elastin, two proteins that play a crucial role in maintaining the skin's elasticity and firmness. Regular dry brushing can help improve skin tone and texture, giving the body a firmer and sculpted appearance.

Integrating Dry Brushing into Your Routine

To incorporate dry brushing into your body care routine for cellulite reduction and body firming, follow these simple steps:

  1. Choose a dry brush with natural bristles and a long handle for easier reach.
  2. Before showering, start brushing from your feet, moving upwards in long, sweeping motions towards your heart.
  3. Apply light pressure to avoid irritating the skin, focusing on areas with cellulite or where you want to firm and tone.
  4. Continue brushing each area for a few minutes, making sure to cover your legs, buttocks, arms, and abdomen.
  5. Shower as usual to wash away the exfoliated skin cells.
  6. Repeat this process 2-3 times a week for best results.

It's important to note that while dry brushing may offer benefits in cellulite reduction and body firming, individual results may vary. It's also recommended to moisturize your skin after dry brushing to keep it hydrated and nourished.

Incorporating dry brushing into your body care routine can be a simple yet effective way to improve the appearance and health of your skin. Whether you're targeting cellulite or aiming for firmer, more toned skin, this technique can be a valuable addition to your self-care regimen.

Potential Benefits of Dry Brushing for Cellulite Reduction and Body Firming

Reduces the appearance of cellulite

Aids in breaking down fat deposits beneath the skin

Firms and tones the skin

Stimulates collagen and elastin production

Improves overall skin texture

Exfoliates and encourages cell regeneration

Enhances blood circulation

Promotes lymphatic flow and drainage


The Right Dry Brushing Routine

Establishing a proper dry brushing routine is essential for maximizing the benefits of this technique for your skin type and needs. By following a few simple guidelines, you can incorporate dry brushing seamlessly into your body care routine and achieve optimal results.

Choosing the Right Time

When it comes to dry brushing, timing is crucial. It's best to integrate this technique into your skincare regimen before showering or bathing. This ensures that you can remove any loosened dead skin cells easily and cleanse your skin thoroughly afterward.

Determining Frequency

The frequency of dry brushing depends on your skin's sensitivity and needs. As a general guideline, aim to dry brush your body two to three times a week. However, if you have sensitive skin, you might want to start with once a week and gradually increase the frequency as your skin becomes accustomed to the technique.


Before you begin dry brushing, ensure that your skin is dry and clean. You can start with a gentle warm-up, performing light circular motions with your brush to prepare your skin for the more invigorating strokes.


When dry brushing, use long, sweeping strokes or circular motions, always brushing towards your heart. Start from your feet and work your way upwards, covering your entire body. Be mindful of delicate areas such as your chest and neck, using a softer brush or gentler strokes in these areas.

Post-Brushing Care

After dry brushing, it's important to hydrate and nourish your skin. You can follow up with a gentle exfoliating scrub or apply a moisturizer to lock in the moisture and maintain the health of your skin barrier.

Pro Tip: Taking your time and enjoying the process of dry brushing can turn it into a relaxing self-care ritual. Embrace this time as an opportunity to focus on yourself and indulge in a moment of tranquility.

By following the right dry brushing routine, tailored to meet your skin's unique needs, you can elevate your body care routine to a new level. Remember to listen to your body, adjust the technique and frequency accordingly, and enjoy the rejuvenating effects of this gentle and effective skincare practice.

Precautions and Tips for Effective Dry Brushing

When incorporating dry brushing into your body care routine, it's essential to follow certain precautions and expert tips to ensure you get the most out of this beneficial technique. By following these recommendations, you can enhance the effectiveness and safety of your dry brushing practice:

  1. Choose the Right Brush: Opt for a brush with natural bristles, preferably made from plant materials like sisal or boar hair. Avoid synthetic bristles as they may be too harsh on the skin. Look for a brush with a long handle to reach all areas of your body easily.
  2. Brush on Dry Skin: Dry brushing should be performed on dry skin before taking a shower or bath. This ensures maximum exfoliation and allows the bristles to glide smoothly over your skin.
  3. Start with Gentle Strokes: Begin with light pressure and gentle strokes, gradually increasing the intensity as your skin becomes accustomed to the sensation. Avoid applying excessive pressure, as it can lead to irritation and redness.
  4. Brush Towards the Heart: Always brush towards your heart, following the natural direction of lymphatic flow. This helps stimulate circulation and supports the lymphatic system's detoxification process.
  5. Be Mindful of Sensitive Areas: Exercise caution when dry brushing sensitive areas, such as the chest, breasts, and face. Use softer bristles or avoid these areas altogether to prevent irritation.
  6. Avoid Broken or Inflamed Skin: If you have any cuts, wounds, rashes, or inflamed skin, refrain from dry brushing those areas until they have fully healed. Dry brushing should not cause pain or discomfort.
  7. Cleanse your Brush: Regularly clean your brush to remove dead skin cells and buildup. Wash it with mild soap and water, allowing it to air dry thoroughly before the next use.
  8. Hydrate your Skin: After dry brushing, moisturize your skin with a nourishing body oil, lotion, or cream. This helps replenish moisture and further enhances the benefits of dry brushing.

By following these precautions and tips, you can ensure a safe and effective dry brushing routine that delivers natural, healthy, and glowing skin as part of your body care regimen.

Precautions and Tips for Effective Dry Brushing

Choose the Right Brush

Opt for a brush with natural bristles, preferably made from plant materials like sisal or boar hair. Avoid synthetic bristles.

Brush on Dry Skin

Dry brushing should be performed on dry skin before a shower or bath for maximum exfoliation.

Start with Gentle Strokes

Begin with light pressure and gentle strokes, gradually increasing the intensity over time.

Brush Towards the Heart

Always brush towards your heart, following the direction of lymphatic flow.

Be Mindful of Sensitive Areas

Exercise caution when dry brushing sensitive areas like the chest, breasts, and face.

Avoid Broken or Inflamed Skin

Refrain from dry brushing areas with cuts, wounds, rashes, or inflamed skin.

Cleanse your Brush

Regularly clean your brush with mild soap and water to remove dead skin cells.

Hydrate your Skin

Moisturize your skin with a nourishing body oil, lotion, or cream after dry brushing.

Dry Brushing as a Self-Care Ritual

Discover the soothing and invigorating aspects of dry brushing that go beyond the physical benefits. Incorporating the dry brush technique into your body care routine can transform it into a self-care ritual, allowing you to reconnect with your body and mind.

As you gently run the bristles across your skin, take a moment to focus on the sensations and the rhythm of your strokes. This mindful practice helps you cultivate a deeper sense of self-awareness, promoting relaxation and stress relief.

Dry brushing can become a meditative experience, enabling you to create a space for yourself in the midst of a busy day. Find a quiet corner, light a scented candle, and embrace the quietude as you lovingly care for your skin.

Not only does dry brushing improve the physical health of your skin, but it also supports your emotional well-being. It provides you with an opportunity to slow down, reconnect with your body, and show yourself some much-needed self-love.

"Dry brushing has become an essential part of my self-care routine. It's not just about the glowing skin; it's about dedicating a few moments to myself each day, indulging in self-care and enhancing my overall well-being." - Sarah, 30

Make your dry brushing self-care ritual even more special by incorporating other elements that bring you joy and relaxation. Play soothing music, diffuse essential oils, or enjoy a cup of herbal tea while you pamper your skin.

Self-Care Ideas to Elevate Your Dry Brushing Ritual:

  • Create a peaceful ambiance with scented candles or incense.
  • Indulge in a luxurious body oil or lotion massage after dry brushing.
  • Practice deep breathing exercises to enhance relaxation.
  • Set an intention or affirmation for the day ahead.

Remember, self-care is not just a trend; it's a vital practice that allows you to prioritize your well-being. Incorporating dry brushing into your body care routine opens the door to a world of self-nurturing, helping you achieve both healthy skin and a nourished soul.

Dry Brushing Benefit

Physical Aspect

Emotional Aspect

Improved circulation

Promotes skin health and radiance

Invigorates and energizes the body


Removes dead skin cells and reveals smoother skin

Renews and refreshes the mind

Stress relief

Relaxes the body and releases muscle tension

Calms and centers the mind

Self-love and self-care

Pampering the skin and nurturing the body

Cultivates self-compassion and inner peace


Embracing the Clean Beauty Movement

As you incorporate the dry brush technique into your body care routine, you are not just taking care of your skin, but also embracing the principles of clean beauty. Clean beauty focuses on using natural and non-toxic products that are gentle on your skin and the environment. Dry brushing perfectly aligns with these values, making it an essential practice for those seeking a holistic and sustainable approach to body care.

Unlike traditional exfoliation methods that rely on harsh chemicals or microbeads, dry brushing utilizes a simple and environmentally-friendly tool: a dry brush made from natural materials like bristles or plant fibers. By choosing a dry brush over synthetic alternatives, you are reducing your carbon footprint and avoiding potential skin irritations caused by artificial ingredients.

Additionally, the dry brush technique promotes detoxification and lymphatic drainage, which are vital for maintaining overall skin health. By gently brushing your skin in upward motions, you stimulate blood circulation and encourage the elimination of toxins. This not only contributes to a clearer complexion but also supports your body's natural detoxification processes.

"Dry brushing has become an essential part of my clean beauty routine. Not only does it help exfoliate and soften my skin, but it also aligns with my sustainability goals. It's a win-win!" - Olivia, Clean Beauty Enthusiast

Moreover, dry brushing promotes a healthy skin microbiome, which is crucial for maintaining balanced and radiant skin. Regularly exfoliating with a dry brush removes dead skin cells, allowing your skin to better absorb moisturizers and serums. This, in turn, helps improve skin tone, texture, and overall appearance.

By incorporating the dry brush technique into your clean body care routine, you are not only nurturing your skin but also contributing to a healthier planet. The sustainable and environmentally-friendly aspects of dry brushing make it an ideal choice for those seeking natural and mindful beauty practices.

Bonus Tip: Sustainable Body Oils

To further enhance your clean beauty experience, consider pairing dry brushing with a sustainable and nourishing body oil. Look for products that are formulated with natural and organic ingredients, free from harmful chemicals and synthetic fragrances. Choose brands that prioritize ethical sourcing, eco-friendly packaging, and support fair-trade practices. By combining dry brushing with a high-quality body oil, you can maximize the benefits of your body care routine and indulge in a truly clean and luxurious experience.

Benefits of Embracing the Clean Beauty Movement

Key Takeaways

1. Improved skin health

Embracing clean beauty practices, such as dry brushing, can lead to healthier and more radiant skin.

2. Sustainable and eco-friendly

Dry brushing supports the principles of clean beauty by utilizing natural materials and reducing environmental impact.

3. Detoxification and lymphatic drainage

Dry brushing assists in the removal of toxins from the body, contributing to overall well-being.

4. Healthy skin microbiome

Regular dry brushing helps maintain a balanced skin microbiome, leading to improved skin texture and appearance.

5. Enhanced absorption of skincare products

Exfoliating with a dry brush allows your skin to better absorb the benefits of moisturizers and serums.


In conclusion, the dry brush technique offers a natural and effective way to achieve radiant and glowing skin. By incorporating dry brushing into your body care routine, you can experience the multiple benefits it provides, from exfoliation and detoxification to improved circulation and skin tone.

Not only does dry brushing help remove dead skin cells and unclog pores, but it also stimulates the lymphatic system, promoting healthier skin overall. The gentle yet invigorating strokes of the dry brush contribute to a smoother and more youthful appearance, while also potentially reducing cellulite and firming the body.

With its simplicity and powerful outcomes, dry brushing is a must-try technique for anyone seeking to elevate their skincare journey. Embrace this practice as part of your regular body care routine, and revel in the natural beauty and radiance that await you.


How does dry brushing benefit the skin?

Dry brushing has numerous benefits for the skin. It helps exfoliate dead skin cells, unclog pores, and promote a healthier complexion. Dry brushing also stimulates the lymphatic system, boosts circulation, and can reduce the appearance of cellulite. Additionally, it can improve skin tone, texture, and overall firmness.

How often should I dry brush?

The frequency of dry brushing depends on your skin's sensitivity. Most individuals benefit from dry brushing 2-3 times a week. However, if you have sensitive skin, it's recommended to start with once a week and gradually increase the frequency. Listen to your skin and adjust accordingly.

How do I choose the right dry brush?

When selecting a dry brush, opt for one with natural bristles and a long handle for easy reach. The bristles should be firm but not too abrasive to avoid irritation. Look for a brush with bristles made from materials like plant fibers or natural hair, as synthetic bristles may be harsh on the skin.

What time of day should I dry brush?

It is generally recommended to dry brush in the morning before bathing or showering. Dry brushing can invigorate and energize the body, making it an excellent way to start your day. However, you can also dry brush in the evening if it suits your schedule and preferences.

Can anyone dry brush, regardless of their skin type?

Dry brushing is suitable for most skin types, but individuals with certain skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, or sensitive skin should exercise caution. If you have any concerns about your skin's reaction to dry brushing, it's best to consult with a dermatologist or skincare professional beforehand.

How long should a dry brushing session last?

A typical dry brushing session should last about 5-10 minutes. Avoid excessive brushing or applying too much pressure, as it can irritate the skin. The goal is to stimulate the skin gently and gradually, allowing for the best results without causing any discomfort.

Can I dry brush my face?

It is recommended to avoid dry brushing the delicate skin on your face. The facial skin is more sensitive than the skin on your body, and using a dry brush may be too harsh. Instead, opt for gentle exfoliation methods specifically designed for the face.

Can dry brushing help reduce the appearance of cellulite?

Dry brushing may help reduce the appearance of cellulite by stimulating blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. While it may not completely eliminate cellulite, incorporating dry brushing into your body care routine, along with a healthy lifestyle, can contribute to smoother-looking skin.

Is dry brushing suitable for pregnant women?

Pregnant women should consult with their healthcare provider before incorporating dry brushing into their routine. Pregnancy can make the skin more sensitive, and it's important to ensure the technique is safe for both the mother and the baby.

How should I clean my dry brush?

To clean your dry brush, simply rinse the bristles with warm water and gentle soap. Allow the brush to air dry completely before using it again. Avoid submerging the brush in water or cleaning solutions, as this may damage the bristles or the wooden handle.

Cindy Barberes Founder Photo

Cindy Barberes is the founder of H. Honeycup. She encourages self-care, a giving community and prefers a relaxed culture which translates to her plant based body care products. As a family affected by addiction, H. Honeycup donates products to those in recovery with the hope that it helps heal body and mind naturally.

Lavender palmarosa body oil by H. Honeycup with real lavender flower

Palmarosa Pomegranate Body Oil


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