Welcome to Profiles in Giving
There are so many organizations we admire for their philosophy of giving. We decided to revisit these inspirational people and thank them for all they do for the community.
Profile in Giving. Deborah Brandt
FIG Industries. Lancaster, PA
2020 Update: Fig continues to elevate small businesses and non-profits with their “Design for Good” mission including the many publications they create for local communities including Lancaster, Kennett Square and West Chester, PA.
Deb Brandt is the owner and creative director of Fig Industries, @figindustries. As a creative branding and design studio, and publisher of Fig Magazine, Deb and her team are on “a forever mission of Design for Good." They fulfill this mission every day by lifting up small businesses and non-profits.
Since we have hired Fig for branding and design services, we very much appreciate all they do, and feel privileged to be part of their "design for good".
Profile in Giving. Katie Roering
Fontana Candle Company, Mount Joy PA
2020 Update: So far Fontana Candle has donated to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, the Pollinator Partnership, and has given away candles to cancer patients and survivors. They are looking at donating this year to a skin cancer charity.
Katie Roering is the co-owner of Fontana Candle Company, @fontanacandlecompany with her husband, Eric. Katie supports the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society in honor of her father who passed away in January of 2019. Fontana consistently donates a portion of their sales. They always reveal how much they donated with another one coming soon!
Profile in Giving. Heather King.
The Argyle Bouquet. Haverford, PA.
2020 Update: Heather continues her support of Synergy Houses sober living facilities. Those struggling with addiction need even more support with the added pressure of Covid.
Heather King is the owner of The Argyle Bouquet, @theargylebouquet. She is a partner in several sober living facilities of Synergy House. She also strives to always have a newly sober person working at Argyle as often as possible. She believes it is a privilege to help these kids get back on track for an amazing life.
Profile in Giving. Lisa Graham.
Graham Media Partners, Wayne PA
2020 Update: During the pandemic, Graham Media Partners has doubled down on charitable giving. They donated to Women’s Resource Center, Cradles to Crayons, Home of the Sparrow, People’s Pantry at Church Road, First Responders Children’s Foundation, and Mastery Schools.
Lisa Graham is the co-founder of Graham Media Partners (GMP), with her husband Steve. Two important values of GMP are hiring women and giving back to the local community.
A local organization that serves women is the Women's Resource Center (WRC). The GMP team created a marketing plan for the WRC at no charge, and trained WRC staff on how to prepare and execute a marketing strategy for the future. In addition, GMP donates to the WRC each year to help fund their helpline. The WRC helpline is staffed by 20 volunteers who each work a 3-hour shift every week and answer over 1,400 calls per year. The volunteers help women who have lost their jobs, have gotten divorced and need to figure out how to earn more, who are dealing with children under difficult circumstances, and so much more.
Profile in Giving. Crissy Pyfer
Suburban Warrior, Main Line PA
2020 Update: Crissy continues to support local family and women’s organizations such as Bringing Hope Home, Family Lives On, Cradles to Crayons and The Impact Center. During Covid and school closures, she promotes support for the Montco Anti-Hunger Network which provides resources that help food pantries feed thousands of households a year.
Crissy is a life and business coach with a mission to inspire women to live each day with a Suburban Warrior Mindset, @_suburban_warrior! After experiencing tragedy in her own life, she was called to live out her own personal “why”, leaving her corporate marketing executive career to pursue her passions as an entrepreneur. Crissy founded the Suburban Warrior brand to empower moms to warrior up and take control of their lives by adopting a Suburban Warrior Mindset! She is also the host of the Suburban Warrior Podcast, which shares stories that inspire us to feel authentically empowered to take action in our own lives towards a more positive, mentally-well mindset (which we all could use a little of in these unprecedented times).
Crissy lives by the mantra that it is in giving that we receive. She and her family support many local family and women’s organizations such as Bringing Hope Home, Family Lives On, Cradles to Crayons and The Impact Center. Right now, due to school closures, she is rallying support for Montco Anti-Hunger Network which provides resources that help food pantries feed more than 15,000 households a year. Many kids enrolled in the federal lunch program get their most nutritious meal of the day at school. When schools are closed, the risk that they go hungry increases dramatically. MontCo school districts are now offering "to go" meals for students, however, these can be difficult to access. Monetary donations will help keep our kids fed with additional food distributed through Montgomery County's pantry network. We are called at this time more than ever to do good for our neighbors! Link below to donate.
Profile in Giving. Jane Winchester Paradis
Jane Win Jewelry, Wayne PA
2020 Update: Jane has been so touched by the world dealing with Covid so they substantially increased their giving. Jane Win continued with their local support of the ABC house by gifting school supplies. To the organization Girls Rising that they have channeled their giving since company inception, they are giving more. They make monthly donations to Girl Rising to help educate girls around the globe. In their core values they say that ‘when we succeed we share’ and during the pandemic many people have connected to their jewelry with meaning. They will stay focused on giving to charities that focus on education and hope to double their efforts in the last few months of the year.
Jane Winchester Paradis is the founder and owner of Jane Win Jewelry. After many (20+) years in fashion, Jane started Jane Win to create jewelry with meaning behind each piece, made in the USA – a company that cares about its customer and gives back. The entire family works for this modern version of a family business, with her husband running technology and the kids doing everything from shipping, social media, blog editing and modeling.
Jane’s way of giving back is to support education in all forms. The number one charity that the company supports is Girl Rising, whose mission is to ensure that girls around the world are educated and empowered. Locally Jane is a huge fan of the Radnor ABC house and she and her family take meals to the kids often! In addition, Jane takes time to speak to students. In fact, she is working with marketing and fashion students at St. Joe’s this week.
Profile in Giving. Gwenn Nolan
Mother Compost, Main Line PA
2020 Update: We are still partnered with Philabundance, who are doing crucial work to fight food insecurity in Philly. Their mission for 2021 is to provide more education and information about the benefits of composting at home as well as how compost helps improve soil conditions. With so many huge things beyond our individual control, it feels good to have a small something each of us can do each day to help the planet.
Gwenn Nolan is the owner of Mother Compost, @mothercompost. MC is a Main Line based compost materials pick-up service that facilitates a simple solution to turn household waste into fertilizer. Their mission is to empower families to make sustainable choices without having to commit extra time and energy. They also give back 10% of profits to Philabundance, as it feels right that food waste should also create opportunities to feed others.
Profile in Giving, Ashley Meyers
Main Line Fashionista, Main Line PA
2020 Update: Ashley continues giving a voice to the small boutiques along the Main Line through Main Line Fashionista. These businesses so appreciate the support during these unusual times and Ashley does everything she can every single day to get the word out.
Meet Ashley Meyers of Main Line Fashionista, @MainLineFashionista. As a true connector of people, Ashley has pivoted her once fashion focused business of sharing tips and tricks to wear your clothes the best way, into a place to spread joy during the quarantine.
Small businesses thru America will see some of the biggest challenges, so Ashley has made it her mission to spread light on them. Every day at noon, she podcasts a live Instagram show with a local business owner to chat life, their ups and downs, while keeping it light. Additionally, Ashley has created a FB group called “Shop Local: Main Line Brick and Mortars”, so local businesses can post new arrivals, or take out menus daily.
Profile in Giving, Frank Rapoport
SamSara Gear
2020 Update: They continue their objective to support genetic research at UNC about the causes of anorexia and bulimia.
Frank Rapoport started SamSara Gear to honor his daughter, Alex who took her own life at 32, after a 20 year battle with an eating disorder. The company imports clothing and woven-goods inspired by and named for the Buddhist concept that describes the cycle of life, death, and rebirth.
In 2018, Frank traveled to the Himalayan country of Nepal to scatter Alex’s ashes in the holy rivers of Kathmandu. He wanted to return her to the place where she had once found peace, connection, and, for a time, a respite from the condition that had plagued her most of her life.
Afterward, Frank decided to linger a bit longer in the Buddhist culture that had meant so much to his daughter. So he traveled on, west to the Kingdom of Bhutan. While there, he bought a vest made of handwoven fabric, the kind of thing Alex would have loved. And an idea took form: He would import and sell traditional garments and goods from Nepal and Bhutan, and use the profits to support eating disorder advocacy and awareness.
A percentage of its profits support the work of organizations like Project HEAL, a national advocacy group aiding people with eating disorders.
The organizations they support#leukemiaandlymphomasociety
Cindy is the founder of H. Honeycup. She encourages self-care, a giving community and prefers a relaxed culture which translates to her plant based body care products. As a family affected by addiction, H. Honeycup donates products to those in recovery with the hope that it helps heal body and mind naturally. Feel free to download free eGuide, "How to Choose the Wellness Beauty Brand For You!"