When I’m burned out, I’m in my own world of crankiness and exhaustion. I used to get crippling migraine headaches. Little did I know that self-care would almost annihilate those painful and very frequent episodes. Once my head literally cleared, I had the energy and attitude to help others.
Self-care is “buzzy” but real
Self-care has gotten a lot of attention in the last few years. Ever heard “self-care is not selfish”? That is so true because when you take care of yourself, you’re better at taking care of others. And there are plenty of other people who need you.
My choice was to decompress by taking wellness courses including Mindfulness. It was an amazing experience to interact with other like-minded people who were focusing on themselves for a change. It was truly transforming.
Results of self-care
Whatever your self-care of choice - exercise, eating healthy, going to the doctor, time with family or friends, or an at home spa day - it all leads to better health, feeling good about yourself, and more life balance. I know it did for me.
OK so how does a healthier body and mind help others? It’s clear that if you feel better about life and are rejuvenated, you are more likely to devote time to helping people. You feel more compassion and you can find a way to help that is meaningful.
My self-care gave me a purpose. I started my own natural skincare business and realized I could help others with their clean living journey. Since our family member is in recovery from addiction, I decided to donate clean beauty products to different sober living centers. I ask those I know to suggest places to donate because of the personal connection.
When you have the time and the energy, how do you like to give back?
Cindy is the founder of H. Honeycup. She encourages self-care, a giving community and prefers a relaxed culture which translates to her plant based body care products. As a family affected by addiction, H. Honeycup donates products to those in recovery with the hope that it helps heal body and mind naturally.