May 04, 2022


Women at lake taking photos of each other for blog: 6 FUN WELLNESS ROUTINES FOR SPRING

We reached out to top wellness experts for their ideas on fun and healthy routines to start in the spring season.

Spring and wellness are a great match. It’s a perfect time to feel refreshed, renewed, and excited about doing something for yourself. “Spring is a perfect time to get a wellness routine in place. And it’s a great time to be outdoors.” Dr. Lisa Young, Lisa Young Nutrition/NYU

There is no limit to the possibilities to have fun and improve wellness at the same time. Christine Patterson of Vital Journey Wellness says that “opportunities to deepen wellness abound.”


I’m about to go on an active vacation to somewhere I’ve never been with close friends. The excitement is incredible. You could feel it too.

“It can be great to kick off your spring with a short vacation. Especially if you are someone who gets cabin fever or dislikes the dreariness of winter, taking a short vacation somewhere where there is sun and the temperature is at least a little warmer can be a great way to reset and replenish your mind and body. It is important to take breaks from where you live from time to time, even if that just means a weekend getaway that’s driving distance away.” Nick Mueller, Director of Operations of


There is nothing more rejuvenating for your body and mind than being outdoors.

“Things like potting plants or flowers, even painting can be a medium of connecting with nature. Even just looking at a picture of the outdoors helps to lower blood pressure and stress levels.

If you go for walks, (which is an excellent way to reduce stress, improve mood, and increase creativity), you can bring attention to things that are blooming - which is a way to promote mindfulness and presence.” Dr. Lisa Young, Lisa Young Nutrition/NYU

Photo by April Raymond


This sounds fun because it is! A beautiful and colorful plate of food is irresistible and will jump start your health.

“As we emerge from our winter caves, people usually want to feel good and look good heading into the summer. Eating vibrantly is a powerful wellness practice that helps people feel good and get in shape. When eating the rainbow, your body will feel refreshed and light. It won't be hard to find the motivation to go outside, explore new places, and share new experiences with others when you're feeling good physically.” Dr. Kira Capozzolo, Twin Waves Wellness

According to Emmy Loumeau, Holistic Wellness Coach @Wellistica, “This is a wonderful time to stock up on delicious seasonal fruit and crunchy fresh greens. Tip: keep your fruit sliced or diced in glass containers inside your fridge for a quick snack.  Keeping fresh greens makes it easier to prepare yummy and refreshing salads.”

“Join a CSA (community-supported agriculture). CSAs offer fresh and local produce.. It’s a win win as you will get produce in season making it that much easier to add more produce to your plate.”  Dr. Lisa Young, Lisa Young Nutrition/NYU

Feel free to download free eGuide, "How to Choose the Wellness Beauty Brand For You!"

Ashley Dolan, Vegiac


It’s always a great idea to start small. Whether you have a large yard or a small space, you can still plant a garden and have fun watching it grow.

Do you prefer flowers?
“Gardening can be overwhelming for someone who has not been doing it all their life. However, planting and maintaining a small flower garden can be very beneficial for your wellbeing.

Like any other hobby, gardening helps you to be more creative and this activity has the added benefit of being outside in the fresh air, under the sun. 

Spring is the perfect time to plant some beautiful flowers whether in a garden bed or some pots, and it can be fun and relaxing to watch them grow throughout the season.” Alexander Burgemeester, Neuro-Psychologist and Owner of

Or do you like vegetables?
“Spring is the time to start your vegetable garden! Many vegetables such as kohlrabi, kale, collards, peas, onions, radishes, spinach, lettuce, and turnips can be planted outside in the springtime.” Katie Tomaschki, MS, RDN, Watching your veggies grow, harvesting them and the reward of eating your own crop is thrilling and enhances your well-being.

In a hurry? “Buy yourself some fresh flowers says Katie Tomaschki. When you think of Spring you think of flowers. They are an instant mood booster! Keeping fresh flowers in your house can brighten your day. It's like buying yourself a lovely gift :)” Katie Tomaschki, MS, RDN,


It’s been a long time since we’ve been able to have fun with our favorite people.

“As spring starts and we begin to hang out with more people, choose the ones that fill your cup with joy!” Emmy Loumeau, Holistic Wellness Coach, @Wellistica

“Get a walking group going. Commit to a 45 minute nature walk with friends outdoors. It’s a win-win. Being outdoors in nature is good for your health as is being with friends in a community.”

“Bike ride with your family on Sunday afternoons. Weather gets better in spring and it stays lighter till late. A win-win for wellness.” Dr. Lisa Young, Lisa Young Nutrition/NYU


This one really got my attention. You know that giddy feeling of purging your old skincare and trying new things that are perfect for the changing season.

“Warmer sunnier weather means changes in your skin and your skin's needs. You may find your skin is less dry and may benefit from a switch up in skin care products.” Katie Tomaschki, MS, RDN,

Focus on “a routine that restores a radiant complexion. Sometimes the skin needs refreshment to come back to life. When it comes to skin cleansers, with the first strong sun, you should switch to gentle foaming cleansers and light moisturizing lotions. Take care to clean the pores well and choose creams with gel-like structures with a non-greasy formula.” Ashley Dolan, Founder of Vegiac 

Which of these fun wellness activities grabs your attention?

Cindy Barberes is the founder of H. Honeycup. She encourages self-care, a giving community and prefers a relaxed culture which translates to her nontoxic body care products. As a family affected by addiction, H. Honeycup donates products to those in recovery with the hope that it helps heal body and mind naturally. Feel free to download free eGuide, "How to Choose the Wellness Beauty Brand For You!"